Loyco x Mews guide

This document is an addition to the Loyalty+ guide. This guide contains specifications and additional information about the "Mews" integration.

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1. Intro

Mews is a PMS designed to simplify and automate tasks and operations for hotels. The PMS unifies everything from booking engine to revenue management, enabling staff in all departments to spend their time on revenue-generating activities.

The integration with Loyco further simplifies building and rewarding loyalty for hotels using Mews.


2. Identify members in Mews

Confirmed members are identified by a star icon throughout Mews PMS. Hover over the star to view "Loyalty member" status.

Follow the instructions provided in the slideshow, with accompanying text for each image below. 👨‍🏫

To view today's arrivals, open "Reservation overview"
View the "Loyalty member" icon on the "Reservation overview report", included in "Arrivals", "Departures", "Stayovers" and "Staying" tab.  
Clicking on "details" allows the receptionist to access more details about the guest, including their membership status, member rate, (loyalty) products assigned 
Clicking the guest name gives access to the "Loyalty tab" to see details such as members' bonus points, tier level, and membership number (which is always the guest's phone number). Additionally, explore further information, utilise bonus points, and access member benefits in "Member Insight" from URL

3. View member benefits and use bonus points as partial payment

Receptionists can access additional member details by clicking the URL provided in the Loyalty tab within Mews. This action opens "Member Insight" and automatically conducts a search based on the number in the customer card.

Follow the instructions provided in the slideshow, with accompanying text for each image below. 👨‍🏫

Receptionists can access additional member details by clicking the URL provided in the Loyalty tab within Mews. This action opens "Member Insight" and automatically conducts a search based on the number in the customer card.
Receptionist can view "Available bonus" (marked in yellow) and release optional bonus amount via field and "Release bonus" button
"Available bonus" amount is updated from "450" to "449", and notification "Bonus amount if NOK 1,00 used." is displayed on top (marked in yellow)
The deducted sum is automatically marked as "Loyalty points" (back) in Mews and will appear as a discount on the guest's receipt. 
Member benefits activated from Loyalty+ dashboard is visable in this view and the member profile. Receptionist can "Activate offer" on behalf of guest/member.

4. Member's guest journey in booking engine

Guests can become members through the booking engine and preview their benefits, utilising loyalty products, product rules, and member rates.

Follow the instructions provided in the slideshow, with accompanying text for each image below. 👨‍🏫

Guests choose dates of the stay in the hotels default booking engine
Guest choose the room type

Guests can choose between the “Flexible Rate” and the “Flexible Rate (Member Price).” The loyalty product, “Join Grand Hotel Member and Save 10%,” serves to highlight and inform about the loyalty program. Due to product rules, selecting the member price will automatically add the loyalty product in the next step.


The product rules automatically add Level 1 (Bronze) member benefits, including “Free Room Upgrade” and “Late Check-Out” (both subject to availability).

Guest can view products before confirming
Continue to payment
Guest receives SMS to verify membership

5. Apply member rates for walk-in, phone or email reservations

Receptionists can review the guest’s profile and offer either standard rates or member rates accordingly.

Follow the instructions provided in the slideshow, with accompanying text for each image below. 👨‍🏫

Receptionist choose dates and checks availability
The receptionist verifies if the guest is a member by clicking the profile icon marked in yellow

Receptionists can view membership status and member level, and apply the appropriate rate group accordingly.


Receptionists can select the appropriate rate based on member level using the Member Rate Group dropdown.

Click "next"
Click "book now"

The rate automatically includes Level 1 (Bronze) member benefits through “product rules,” and provides a 10% instant discount compared to the default rate

Receptionist can add or remove products from ordre

6. Invite guests as members

The program automatically sends personalized invitations to join the membership program, converting OTA bookings and direct bookings into memberships. 

If a guest has booked a member rate but hasn’t confirmed their membership, the receptionist can send a reminder to the guest.

Follow the instructions provided in the slideshow, with accompanying text for each image below. 👨‍🏫

Open "Reservation report" and click the guests name
Copy the guests phone number and click the "+" icon marked in image
Paste phone number in "Membership number" field
Guest receives SMS to verify profile, consent to marketing and membership. Grand Hotel Member is a demo location; SMS, consent page, and member profile will be customized for each hotel.
The guest profile is updated with membership. Personal information entered in Mews is automatically transferred to the member profile. Members can view their profile, gift cards, offers, bonuses and membership benefits. 

7. Switch rate groups (between member and standard rates)

If a member has booked at the standard rate or a non-member has booked at the member price, the receptionist can verify their member status and adjust the rate according to the program's standards.

Follow the instructions provided in the slideshow, with accompanying text for each image below. 👨‍🏫

Open the “Reservation Overview” to identify any discrepancies between the “Member Price” and the “Non-Member Icon.” Click "Manage"

Click "pricing"

Deselect “Keep old price” and adjust the rate using the dropdown menu.


The price will increase by 10% to match the standard rate.


Receptionists can remove the automatically added loyalty benefits under the products section.

All loyalty benefits removed

8. Setup guide

8.1. Adding loyalty points as external payment.

To allow members to pay with bonus points, you must add the loyalty program as an external payment method in Mews.

Follow the instructions provided in the slideshow, with accompanying text for each image below. 👨‍🏫

Set up payment
Click "Property"
Set up payment
Click "Accounting configuration"
Set up payment
Make sure "Loyalty points" and "Bacs" is enabled.
8.2. Create Loyalty Products
To activate instant benefits in the booking engine, enable loyalty products with the desired member perks. We recommend combining instant, convenience, and revisit benefits. More details in our program strategy.

Follow the instructions provided in the slideshow, with accompanying text for each image below. 👨‍🏫

Loyalty products
Click "Products"
Click "+" icon to create a new bookable product. Choose "Product category" to structure benefits, with or without tier levels
Choose Name and Description
Choose Category and where the product is available (Product options)
Choose relative pricing
Add a relevant image
Example 2: How to set up hidden products to use with product rules

Choose names wisely, and include the member level in the names if you have tier levels

Remember to deselect "offer to customer"
Add price "0"
Visible loyalty products in booking engine (from setting "show to customer")
Visible and hidden loyalty products, automatically added via "Product rules"
Loyalty products in reservation overview

8.3. Create Loyalty Product rules

Product rules ban be used to automatically add Member Benefits (products) such as "Free Room upgrade", "Late check-out", "Vouchers", "Flexible cancellation policy" etc.
Please refer to the “Product” tab above to see how products appear from both the booking and reception perspectives, and how receptionists can add or remove products.

Follow the instructions provided in the slideshow, with accompanying text for each image below. 👨‍🏫

Click "Product rules"
Create new product rules by clicking "+" in top right corner
Choose "Rates" (member rates) to automatically add products to booking. The products will be visible for the guest in booking and for receptionist in receptionist overview 
Example of how silver benefits can be added. Remember to add the non-conflicting standard benefits also (or create having duplicate products)
Example of how gold benefits can be added. Remember to add the non-conflicting standard and silver benefits also (or create having duplicate products)

8.4. Create Member Rates

To simplify how receptionists adjust guest pricing based on membership level, utilize member rate codes. These codes can also be publicly applied in the booking engine. However, be aware that combining rate codes and products may result in double benefits for guests. To enable bonus usage at reception, ensure that the payment is set to be withdrawn upon check-in. This setting can be adjusted per rate.

Follow the instructions provided in the slideshow, with accompanying text for each image below. 👨‍🏫

Member rates
Click "Rates"
Click "+" to create a new member rate. If you have member levels, you can assign one rate, booking engine, product and product rules to each level
Choose "Public" (Public will be visible on the booking engine you rate map the rate to)
Add a Description and Save. Click "Pricing" to adjust the member rate from base rate.
Click Pencil, and add either Absolute adjustment or Relative adjustment. E.g., set the "Relatve adjustment" to -10.00% for a 10% discount. The adjustment is based on the base price. 
Member rates
Click "Booking engines" to connect the rates
Connect the new member rate to default booking engine. If you have tier levels; Level 1 benefits are connected to default booking engine and level 2, 3 is connected to separate booking engines, rates and products.
If you also wish to add the base price to the members' booking engine, you can add the base rate to the "Rate mappings".
Connect the new "Member rate" to the existing default booking engine. 
Click save

See how member rates appear when the "Public" option is selected. Rates set to "Private" will not be displayed in the booking engine.

View how receptionists can view and change member rates from PMS. Under "products" receptionists can see automatically or manually added loyalty products

8.5 Create Member Vouchers

Utilize the Loyalty dashboard to send exclusive member-only campaign vouchers through SMS or email.

Follow the instructions provided in the slideshow, with accompanying text for each image below. 👨‍🏫

Loyalty vouchers
Click "Vouchers"
Loyalty vouchers
Click "+" to create a new Voucher
Loyalty vouchers
Choose Voucher period and unique campaign key. Click the "Booking engine" URL
Loyalty vouchers

The booking engine link comes preconfigured with the voucher code, ready to be embedded in loyalty emails, SMS, and other communications.

Loyalty vouchers
Members choose room
Loyalty vouchers
Members will see the voucher rate displayed.
Loyalty vouchers
Note that the "Join Grand Hotel Member and save 10%" loyalty product will apply an additional discount. Consider disabling this product during voucher campaigns to prevent overlapping discounts.
Member voucher
The receptionist can see public vouchers from PMS

8.6. Create Member Booking Engine
Create dedicated booking engines to offer exclusive rates, products, and benefits to members or specific tier levels. These unique engines can feature distinct rates and products, ensuring that when qualified members (e.g. Silver/Gold Members) book through them, receptionists are notified.

Follow the instructions provided in the slideshow, with accompanying text for each image below. 👨‍🏫

Booking engine
Add a booking engine to the bookable service
Click "+" to add a new booking engine. Choose settings (remember phone number default), and connect to applicable tier level rate and/or tier level products and product rules
Choose booking engine settings
The member booking engine can have different cancellation policies and / or different member benefits, according to their member level
Make sure that "Telephone" is required
Booking engine
Click "Preview" to view the booking engine
Booking engine - Preview
You might choose image or video to reflect their member level

9. Order the Loyco x Mews module

10. FAQ

This FAQ contains general questions guests or customers may have as a member of your loyalty program.

What is bonus?
Bonus is an amount of money that is earned as a percentage of purchases in locations that are associated with the bonus program, for example your company or partners. The amount is not transferred to the member's account, but collected on "Loyco Member Profile", where it is available for your next purchase. Bonus can be used as full or partial payment for a new purchase where the bonus has been earned.

How to redeem bonus?
Members of the loyalty program can redeem the bonus through their member profile, or employees can do it on behalf of members through ex. Mews and Loyco Member Insight (LMI). 

How long is the bonus valid?
The bonus expires automatically the following year at the turn of the year. This means that the bonus lasts for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 2 years, depending on when in the year the bonus was earned.

How to redeem gift cards?
Members of the loyalty program can redeem gift cards using their member profile.

What are offers?
Offers are a member benefit that the administrator of the loyalty program can activate via the dashboard. An offer is often an advantage of value and not sum, such as "free shipping", "free sample", "free surprise" and the like. In the same way as gift cards, offers can be set for one-off use or repeated use per unique offer. The offer can also be made available to all members, specific membership levels or segments. The settings upon creation will automatically show the offers to the members who meet the criteria.

What is my page/member profile?
My page is members' overview of benefits, bonuses, gift cards and offers. My page also contains copies of receipts, profile information, consents and access to member support

How are purchases registered?
The loyalty program is integrated with Mews and automatically records purchases made by new and existing members.

How does member support work?
Members can create a support case via their own My Page. The support case ends up automatically in the dashboard and is answered by an administrator or Loyco support.

How do I contact Loyco Support?
Telephone: +47 40 42 42 00
Email: support@loyco.no